
I recreated this one you can add flowers if you want but I will be coloring this one. #SketchDraw #Sketchドロー #002 #DarlingInTheFranXX #DarlliFra #progress #途中経過
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3 コメント
Thanks‼️Sooo beautiful💕 Can I add petals to this illustration when coloring? Oh yeah, the previous illustration is also colored now. Please look forward to that too!
The lantern
No problem
1 リアクション
The lantern
Have you uploaded it yet?
1 リアクション
3 リプライ・リドロー
#Sketchドロー #SketchDraw #002 #DarlingInTheFranXX #DarlliFra #progress #途中経過 #image #image-rough I'm sorry I'm late... This is ''rough image''. I felt the flow of the wind like a 'blue arrow'. So I'd like to put it on the wind & fly ''Rose petals'' like this. How about that? I want to your opinion.
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57 リアクション
#Sketchドロー #SketchDraw #002 #DarlingInTheFranXX #DarlliFra #progress #途中経過 I thought while coloring it, can I change the color of the petals to ''blue''? It seems that both colors will be blurred because it overlaps with her hair color...
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87 リアクション
#Sketchドロー #SketchDraw #002 #DarlingInTheFranXX #DarlliFra I finished it while referring to the advice. What do you think? If you wish, I'll fix this again. The lanternさんのイラストを塗らせていただきました
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123 リアクション