
Tadaa I fixed it, now isn't that cute. This is the one you can color. #KFC
1 リプライ
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12 リアクション
5 コメント
Hi! I confirmed your comment. And,surprised at 'KFC'! (@o@) p(^^)q Ok,I don't want to be 🐓! Let's challenge! Could I try to color? Is it okay to slowly? I have something to go out today...(ToT)oh on...
The lantern
Yea it's OK do it when ever you want.
1 リアクション
Your illustrations are so cute! That, I want more people to see & know them. I think...it'll be more noticeable if you tag them. For example ''#線画をぬってみませんか'' mean ''Anyone can color this illustration'' 線画(senga) meaning of line art, illustration without color If you like, please try it next time.
I'm not good at English...so I'm worried if it was communicated well. I'm looking forward to your illustration & to enjoy pixiv sketch.
The lantern
Will do thank you for your advice.
1 リアクション
1 リプライ・リドロー
#Sketchドロー #線画塗らせていただきました Hello! It's done. How do you like it? The making of this illustration was also very helpful. I enjoyed coloring her this time as well. Thank you! The lanternさんの線画を塗らせていただきました。 いつもかわいいイラストで、とても楽しかったです!
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