
4 コメント
;〜; bro I love your aaaaart I try to scroll through everyone I’m following’s feed and like,, You don’t have a single drawing on your profile that isn’t good like Your style is just to pleasing to look at I’m dead Child where were you when I was in my serious undertake phase like,,
1 リアクション
pioggia • ピオッジャ
Dude what the heck you're gonna make me cry nobody has ever said to me so many nice things about my art I'm literally dying ;w; Thank you so muuuch ;w; ♡♡♡ I literally don't have any words besides thank youuu ♡ ;w;
Now I’m gonna cry bro I just really love ur art aaaaa You remind me so much of myself when I first started drawing and posting stuff and like,, aaa But really bro you have so much talEnt I’m jEalouS and I wAnt yOu to kNow u ArE gReaT úwù
1 リアクション
pioggia • ピオッジャ
Thanks a lot again, I know that I seem very repetitive but I am really speechless because I have never received such genuine comments regarding my "artistic skills" and my drawings ;w; I appreciate very much everything you said to me ;w; Thanks again dude (/;w;)/♡