
Still trying! I think I can handle some simple characters heads sketch, and one of few will not be a potato :) I'm still trying to learn drawing eyes, though I can do only one side for now. Also trying some colouring. #Learning
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14 コメント
It’s looking great! - I enjoy the little faces below. What app do you use? I want to give you some digital advice and some tips if you want.
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Just needs practice as cherry star notes, these tools also are part of Sketch, as it has basic shapes and rulers. It’s on the same tab as the import/outport tab, as an artist for 8 years for traditional, you get used to drawing shapes. Digital wise it’s good to watch tutorials as they explain..
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All those fancy stuff such as blending and clipping. If you wish to do more basic shapes I recommend first trying to draw straight lines, then start drawing shapes small - big. I still can’t draw a perfect circle too, and is something many artists have a tough time doing.. better just use the mold.
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You can see my recent draws that majority of things are not “perfect,” such as my glass window one. I freelanced the circles since it just happened To look good enough. What I’m saying is that it takes time and a lot of work, and I’m glad you accepted the challenge! 😁
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